Net Neutrality: Balancing ISP Power for a Fair Internet

5 Apr 2024


(1) William P. Wagner IV, Claremont Graduate University.

Abstract & Introduction

Definition of Key Terms

Fundamentals of Internet Operation


Usage-Based Economic Models

Net Neutrality

Legal History

Researcher Conclusions

Areas for Further Exploration & References

8. Researcher Conclusions

The research shows that there is sufficient evidence to support the idea of the “Virtuous Cycle,” that it is the activity by innovators, investors, and content providers along the edge of the Internet that drives network growth and innovation, and that this cycle should be protected.

Further, this researcher finds that an economic system based strictly on usage of encapsulated packets is capable of responding to all the needs of the infrastructure market, while ensuring competition along the edge. The research also shows that the reverse is not true - the ISPs have an incentive and the opportunity to abuse their position with regard to competition and this would negatively impact the edge.

The large ISPs have made no secret of their goals. In Verizon Oral Arguments Transcript at line 31 “I’m authorized to state by my client [Verizon] today that, but for these rules, we would be exploring those commercial arrangements...”

Therefore, it is this researcher’s recommendation that the principles of encapsulation, capitalism and democracy would best be served by regulation of ISPs to ensure that the basic tenets of Net Neutrality (as defined at the beginning of this paper and codified in the 2015 FCC Order) are followed. These basic regulations would not restrict any technical decision making by the ISPs, however they would prevent the ISPs from using their often-unique position to restrict access based on content, removing the temptation to start down a slippery slope.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license.